Neanderthal vs Homosapien

Neanderthal vs homosapien

Neanderthals are an extinct genus similar to humans who lived almost 40,000 years ago. Homosapiens are present-day humans living on this planet. 

There is a lot to explore about these different species, which we are about to do in this article. Let’s dive in and see a detailed comparison between Neanderthals and Homosapiens.

 Neanderthal vs Homosapien

Neanderthal vs Homosapien
Neanderthalensis Scientific name  Homo sapiens 
Homo Sapiens
Extinct  Status  Living
Lived in cold and arid conditions, mainly in Eurasia  Location  Live worldwide and in all climates, regions, and environments 
The average height for men is 5ft 6 inches and for women is 5ft  Height  Average height for men is 5ft 9 inches and for women is 5ft 4 inches 
Barrel-shaped chest  Chest shape  Standard
Shorter limbs and lower legs and lower arms Limbs  Long limbs 
Strong, robust bones with a wide pelvis  Bones  Thin bones, not as strong as the Neanderthals, and narrow pelvis 
Thicker Metacarpals  Thinner 
Asymmetrical  Humerus  Symmetrical 
Larger roots, larger front teeth, and large pulp cavities in molars. Neanderthals develop teeth much faster than modern homo sapiens  Teeth  Smaller teeth and two equal-sized cups in lower premolars
Elongated skull, prominent brow ridge, and broad nose Skull  Round, small skull and no brow ridge 
80% of Neanderthals died before the age of 40 Lifespan  Varies based on living conditions, but the average is 70 years for men and 75 for women 
Stronger Strength  Relatively weaker 
Carnivorous. They hunted and ate large animals like boars, deer, rhinos, elephants, etc.  Diet  Omnivorous. They eat both plant-based and meat products 

What are Neanderthals?

Neanderthals are archaic humans that lived 2,500,000-40,000 years ago in Europe and Western Asia.

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Multiple pieces of evidence, like fossil records and stone tools assemblages, have validated their existence. The scientific names for these extinct species are Homo Neanderthalensis or Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis.

Neanderthals lived in colder weather, so their preferred locations were Russia or Europe.

For a long time, people believed that we evolved from Neanderthals. Still, recent discoveries reveal that they are the early human ancestors or our most recent relatives.

There are similarities between Neanderthal DNA and Homosapien DNA, and the physical features are similar to modern humans.

Neanderthal vs homosapien

What are Homosapiens?

Homosapiens are modern-day humans living currently, and they evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago.

Homosapiens are also called wise men because they are the most discerning among all separate species, such as: Homo erectus, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, etc., living on this planet so far.

Neanderthal vs homosapien
Homosapiens are modern humans.

Neanderthal vs Homosapien: Key Differences

Here are the main factors based on which we can differentiate between Neanderthals and Homosapiens.


Physical features are one of the most prominent differentiating factors between Homosapiens and Neanderthals.  

Neanderthals have an elongated skull compared to the round-shaped skull of Homosapiens. The Neanderthal brains had a raised larynx, and the longer skull shape of Neanderthals allowed them to have a larger brain than an average human.

Plus, they had prominent brow ridges and a larger nose. Additionally, they had a sloped forehead and a small chin compared to Homosapiens.


You can distinguish between a Neanderthal and a Homosapien through their teeth. According to scientists, Neanderthals developed teeth even before birth, meaning their teeth grew faster than Homosapien teeth.

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Also, Neanderthal teeth had much larger roots, more prominent front teeth, a bigger gap behind the third molar, and enlarged pulp cavities in the molar.


Homosapiens are taller than Neanderthals. Even though height varies for Homosapiens based on country of origin, gender, race, and living conditions, the average height for H. sapiens is 5ft, 9 inches for men, and 5ft, 4 inches for women.

But a Neanderthal male grew to about 5’6″ and about 5′ for females. Their shorter limbs and low-hanging arms account for their shorter height.


The list of differences between Homosapiens and Neanderthals continues with their bone structures. Neanderthals have stronger, thicker bones and thicker metacarpals with a solid disposition to suit their rugged lifestyle.

Homosapiens don’t have bones as strong as the Neanderthals’s. Still, Homosapiens have a symmetrical humerus compared with the asymmetrical humerus of the Neanderthals.

On the other hand, Neanderthals have long and thick vertebrates to provide stability to their large skulls.

Body Shape

The body shapes of Homosapiens and Neanderthals differ greatly. Homosapiens or modern humans have a narrow pelvis and a standard chest shape. However, Neanderthals had a wider pelvis and barrel-shaped chest.

The barrel-shaped chest had long and straight ribs allowing better lung capacity.

Differentiating Between These Creatures

Hopefully, now you have enough idea about Neanderthals and Homosapiens. Fossil evidence shows Neanderthals are one of our common ancestors living thousands of years ago on this planet.

What sets them apart from modern human beings is their robust physical structure required to adapt to their rough living conditions.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our post on homozygous and heterozygous cells.


Vanessa is passionate about written communication, especially after beginning her career as a middle school English teacher. She’s an experienced content marketer as well. Vanessa loves to analyze, compare, and contrast, which is why she writes for ContrastHub. Besides writing, Vanessa is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, spicy food enthusiast, comedy nerd and lifelong learner.

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